Development for Freedom International (DFI)

6 Haitian children with heart disease traveled to Korea for surgery.

According to World Health Organization “cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death globally. An estimated 17.9 million people died from CVDs, representing 32% of all global deaths. Of these deaths, 85% were due to heart attack and stroke. Over three quarters of CVD deaths take place in low- and middle-income countries”

Heart disease accounts for 29% of all deaths in Haiti, currently; there are only 16 cardiologists countrywide for a population of over 11 million people. There are no formal cardiology training programmers in Haiti. Because of extreme poverty especially in rural areas people cannot afford any checkup for heart diseases. Based on all these sadly information and facts, Missionary Helen Kim had decided to help saving lives of Haitian children with heart disease. That’s why she started the program and already saved 92 Haitian children. By the amazing grace of God and the support of our partners 6 children travelled to Korea on Saturday April 16, 2022 for heart disease surgery. Today these 6 Haitian children from different areas of Haiti, accompanied by their parents and a translator left Haiti. They are from 1 to 7 years old; they were diagnosed with severe heart disease problem and could die at any time.

Their parents because of their critical economic situation could not help them and actually without that program from Korea, they would not be able to survive. One of them, according to the Dr. would be the first dying because of her critical situation. Thanks to your prayers and the generous participation of Korean Christian Organization “Daniel Prayer Meetings”, Devilme Idris pears macklay, Flodin Gaelle, Derat Hervensly, Joseph Jocedaelle, Latour Djevens, Narcisse Naima, Will have chance to survive, having a normal childhood, grow healthy and become tomorrow a nation changer for Haiti.

Still in Haiti many Children are on a wait list and expect to be saved, please help DFI reaching more children and saving more lives.