We look forward to April being a fruitful month for our kids

The month of April promises to be full of promise and creativity for our young people. We have put together a rich and varied calendar of activities designed to both encourage and support them in their personal and academic development. For starters, we’ve scheduled biblical based leadership training sessions aimed at developing the children’s skills at being godly leaders. This workshop will help build up their self-confidence and teach them how to become responsible in every aspect of their lives. At the same time, the importance of personal hygiene is addressed through dedicated training courses by our certified nurse. We firmly believe that understanding the basics of personal hygiene is crucial to children’s physical and emotional well-being.

To stimulate their creativity, we have also included sessions on making resin tools. These hands-on workshops allow children to explore their imagination while acquiring valuable technical skills. To help them develop academically tutoring is provided for the children so they can follow the Haitian Ministry of Education’s curriculum. We are determined to provide every child the opportunity to succeed and flourish in his or her educational journey.

All of these efforts reflect our commitment to supporting and accompanying our children, especially during these difficult times. We are aware of the challenges they face as things spiral out of control in the country, but we are doing everything we can to provide them with the support they need to flourish and reach their full potential.

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Faith drives us forward, whatever the circumstances.

In light of the difficulties that have beset our nation, amid the waves of insecurity and acts of violence that have rocked every institution, there is one unshakeable pillar that guides us: our faith. While we face difficult times in Haiti, and the prices of basic necessities are soaring, our conviction in God’s provision remains unshaken. In the pages of the Bible, we find promises of comfort and hope, and we firmly believe that God is faithful to his word. Despite the obstacles we face, DFI remains resolutely committed to its sacred mission of helping children who are in danger and at risk. We stand firm on God’s promise that “I will never leave you nor forsake you”. (Hebrews 13:5) It is from this promise that we draw the strength we need to keep moving forward, even when the challenges seem insurmountable.

We therefore appeal to you to support us in prayer as we seek the Lord’s continued guidance and support, and the grace to stand firm in the faith, for it is the very foundation of our organization. In the solidarity of prayer, we find the strength to persevere and continue to make a difference in the lives of Haiti’s vulnerable children.

The situation in Haiti has moved from a deep crisis to an acute one, highlighting the urgency of the situation.

The humanitarian situation in Haiti is rapidly worsening, with a protection crisis and unprecedented levels of violence. After a month of siege in Port-au-Prince, the upsurge in violence since February has led to a deterioration in food security and numerous population displacements. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has warned of the urgency of the situation, underlining the growing difficulties in providing humanitarian assistance in a context of precarious security. The crisis is affecting not only the capital, but also communities throughout the country, leaving more than 360,000 people displaced, often several times over. Conditions in IDP sites are deplorable, with urgent needs for food, healthcare, water and psychological support.


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