The impact of DFI’s work resides on rescuing children from the streets who are exposed to risks of abuse, violence, exploitation, and human trafficking and providing stable home environment that cover basic needs for food, clothing, shelter, spiritual and medical care, through our rehabilitation center AGAPE GIRLS and BOYS.

AGAPE GIRLS Home stands as a safe an attractive establishment providing safety, healing, and empowerment for vulnerable girls who have experienced trauma such as sexual abuse and violence. The girls find solace in a safe and secure home, shielded from the dangers of the streets, evolving in an environment that fosters their physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. The dedicated team of DFI provides them with specialized medical and psychological care, addressing their immediate needs and supporting their journey towards healing and recovery through spiritual support.

It goes beyond meeting basic needs; it empowers the girls through educational opportunities, equipping them with the tools and knowledge to build a brighter future. Additionally, the center integrates transformative behavioral mechanisms guided by Christian values, instilling a sense of purpose, moral guidance, and personal growth.

As a center of rehabilitation, AGAPE GIRLS Home is committed to create a loving, nurturing, and protective environment enabling these girls to rise up and regain their confidence, dignity and envision a future filled with hope and the best possibilities.

AGAPE BOYS Home provide a protective space where vulnerable boys escaping street life can now experience love, acceptance, and guidance, enabling them to build a brighter future. These boys were exposed to drugs and often engaged in criminal activities. The center offers them shelter, nutrition, medical attention and education. With a faith-based approach, DFI through AGAPE BOYS HOME embraces Christian values, fostering transformative behavioral change and instilling a sense of purpose within the boys. The center aims at nurturing their inner resilience, while empowering them for contributing to Haiti sustainable development as an accountable citizen.

Both AGAPE GIRLS and AGAPE BOYS centers, accommodating currently 91 youngsters, represent a new beginning for the vulnerable children. Through the love, care and prayers provided by dedicated DFI staff, children regain dignity and hope.

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